UVM Academic Calendar 2024: Plan Your Semester with Ease

Navigating the academic year can be a daunting task, especially at a large university like the University of Vermont (UVM). With over 100 undergraduate programs and an extensive list of graduate degrees, staying on top of deadlines, exams, and holidays can easily become overwhelming. To make your academic journey a bit smoother, we’ve compiled the UVM Academic Calendar for 2024, packed with important dates, events, and resources to help you plan your semester strategically.

As you embark on a new academic year, the UVM Academic Calendar 2024 will serve as your trusty guide, providing you with a comprehensive overview of key dates and events that shape the undergraduate and graduate experience at UVM. Whether you’re an ambitious first-year exploring new horizons or a seasoned senior fine-tuning your academic trajectory, this calendar is your roadmap to a successful semester.

Step into the world of UVM’s academic calendar, where deadlines blend with holidays, exams dance with breaks, and campus events paint the year with vibrant colors. Let’s delve into the details that make this calendar your academic compass.

UVM Academic Calendar 2024

Plan your semester effortlessly with the UVM Academic Calendar 2024, your guide to important dates and events.

  • Semester Start: August 26
  • Add/Drop Period: August 26 – September 8
  • Fall Break: October 9-13
  • Thanksgiving Break: November 22-26
  • Winter Break: December 22 – January 15
  • Spring Semester Start: January 18
  • Spring Break: March 10-16
  • Study Days: April 25-27
  • Commencement: May 19

Stay organized and informed with the UVM Academic Calendar 2024, ensuring a successful and fulfilling academic year.

Semester Start: August 26

Mark your calendars! The UVM Academic Calendar 2024 designates August 26th as the official commencement of the fall semester. This day marks the beginning of a new academic journey, filled with opportunities for learning, growth, and exploration.

For incoming first-year students, this day holds besondere significance. It’s the day you’ll step onto campus for the first time, meet your new classmates and professors, and embark on a transformative educational experience. You’ll be immersed in a vibrant academic community that fosters intellectual curiosity and personal growth.

Returning students will also find August 26th to be a day of renewed purpose and excitement. It’s a chance to reconnect with old friends, make new ones, and delve into new courses that will challenge and inspire you. Whether you’re a seasoned senior or a sophomore just finding your academic stride, the start of the semester is a time to set goals, make plans, and embrace the possibilities that lie ahead.

As the semester commences, remember to take some time to familiarize yourself with your surroundings. Explore the campus, find your classrooms, and locate important resources like the library, computer labs, and student support services. Make sure you have all the necessary materials, including textbooks, course syllabi, and a reliable laptop. It’s also a good idea to connect with your academic advisor to discuss your academic plans and ensure you’re on track to graduate on time.

The start of the semester is an exciting and pivotal moment in the academic year. Embrace this fresh beginning with enthusiasm and a commitment to excellence. The UVM community is here to support you every step of the way, so don’t hesitate to reach out for help or guidance when you need it.

Add/Drop Period: August 26 – September 8

The Add/Drop Period, which runs from August 26th to September 8th, is a crucial time in the academic calendar. It provides students with the flexibility to adjust their course schedules to ensure they are taking the courses that best align with their academic goals and interests.

During this period, students can add courses to their schedules, drop courses they’ve already registered for, or swap one course for another. This allows students to make adjustments based on factors such as course difficulty, workload, or scheduling conflicts.

It’s important to carefully consider your course selections during the Add/Drop Period. Make sure you’re choosing courses that fulfill your degree requirements, fit your academic strengths and interests, and align with your long-term career goals. It’s also important to consider the overall workload and make sure you’re not taking on too many courses at once.

If you’re unsure about which courses to take, don’t hesitate to reach out to your academic advisor for guidance. They can help you create a schedule that meets your individual needs and ensures you’re on track to graduate on time. You can also consult with professors or other students to get their perspectives on different courses and professors.

The Add/Drop Period is an opportunity to fine-tune your course schedule and ensure you’re taking the courses that will help you succeed. Use this time wisely to make adjustments and set yourself up for a successful semester.

Fall Break: October 9-13

In the midst of the busy fall semester, UVM students can look forward to a well-deserved break from classes during Fall Break, which takes place from October 9th to 13th in 2024. This five-day respite provides students with an opportunity to recharge, catch up on work, or simply relax and enjoy some time away from their studies.

Fall Break is a great time to take a short trip, visit family and friends, or simply stay on campus and de-stress. Many students use this break to travel to nearby destinations such as Burlington, Montreal, or Boston. Others may choose to stay in Vermont and explore the state’s beautiful fall foliage or participate in outdoor activities such as hiking, biking, or apple picking.

For students who need to catch up on their studies, Fall Break can be a productive time to work on assignments, projects, or studying for upcoming exams. The UVM library and other campus resources remain open during the break, so students can find a quiet place to study or collaborate with classmates.

Fall Break is also a good time for students to take a step back and reflect on their academic progress. They can use this time to assess their strengths and weaknesses, and make adjustments to their study habits or course schedules if necessary. It’s also a good time to connect with academic advisors or professors to discuss their academic goals and plans.

Whether you choose to travel, relax, or catch up on your studies, make the most of Fall Break to recharge and prepare for the second half of the semester.

Thanksgiving Break: November 22-26

The Thanksgiving holiday is a time for family, friends, and food, and UVM students can enjoy a four-day break from classes to celebrate. Thanksgiving Break in 2024 falls from November 22nd to 26th, giving students ample time to travel home, spend time with loved ones, and indulge in all the traditional Thanksgiving festivities.

For students who live far from home, Thanksgiving Break is an opportunity to travel back to their hometowns and reconnect with family and friends. Many students also use this break to participate in local Thanksgiving traditions, such as attending parades, watching football games, or volunteering at soup kitchens or food banks.

Students who choose to stay in Vermont during Thanksgiving Break can still enjoy the holiday spirit by participating in various on-campus events and activities. The UVM campus remains open during the break, and students can access dining halls, libraries, and other essential services.

Thanksgiving Break is also a good time for students to catch up on their studies or work on projects. The UVM library and other campus resources remain open during the break, so students can find a quiet place to study or collaborate with classmates. Some professors may also assign projects or readings over the break, so it’s a good idea to check your course syllabi for any assignments.

Whether you choose to travel home, stay on campus, or participate in community service, make the most of Thanksgiving Break to relax, recharge, and prepare for the final stretch of the semester.

Winter Break: December 22 – January 15

The winter holiday season is a time for joy, celebration, and spending time with loved ones. UVM students can enjoy an extended break from classes during Winter Break, which runs from December 22nd, 2024, to January 15th, 2025. This three-week break provides students with ample time to travel, relax, and recharge before the start of the spring semester.

Many students use Winter Break to travel home and spend time with family and friends. Others may choose to travel to new destinations or participate in winter sports and activities. Some students also use this break to work part-time jobs or internships to earn extra money or gain valuable experience.

For students who choose to stay in Vermont during Winter Break, there are still plenty of things to see and do. The UVM campus remains open during the break, and students can access dining halls, libraries, and other essential services. Students can also participate in various on-campus events and activities, such as holiday parties, concerts, and lectures.

Winter Break is also a good time for students to catch up on their studies or work on projects. The UVM library and other campus resources remain open during the break, so students can find a quiet place to study or collaborate with classmates. Some professors may also assign projects or readings over the break, so it’s a good idea to check your course syllabi for any assignments.

Whether you choose to travel, stay on campus, or participate in community service, make the most of Winter Break to relax, recharge, and prepare for the spring semester.

Spring Semester Start: January 18

After a well-deserved break, UVM students return to campus for the start of the spring semester on January 18th, 2025. The spring semester is a time for students to continue their academic studies, explore new interests, and make progress towards their degrees.

  • Fresh Start: The spring semester provides a fresh start for students to set new goals and achieve academic success. It’s an opportunity to learn from the experiences of the fall semester and make adjustments to study habits or course schedules if necessary.
  • New Courses and Opportunities: The spring semester offers a wide range of new courses and opportunities for students to explore their interests and expand their knowledge. Students can choose from a variety of courses in different disciplines, including new topics and specialized electives.
  • Progress Towards Degree: For many students, the spring semester is a time to make significant progress towards their degrees. Students can take courses that fulfill major requirements, complete general education requirements, or begin working on their senior thesis or capstone project.
  • Networking and Career Preparation: The spring semester is also a good time for students to network with professors, classmates, and potential employers. Students can attend career fairs, participate in internships or co-ops, and seek out research or teaching assistant positions.

The spring semester is a vibrant and exciting time at UVM. With a fresh start, new opportunities, and the chance to make progress towards their degrees, students can make the most of their time on campus and set themselves up for success in their future careers.

Spring Break: March 10-16

In the midst of the busy spring semester, UVM students can look forward to a well-deserved break from classes during Spring Break, which takes place from March 10th to 16th in 2024. This week-long respite provides students with an opportunity to recharge, catch up on work, or simply relax and enjoy some time away from their studies.

  • Travel and Adventure: For many students, Spring Break is a time to travel and explore new places. Whether it’s a road trip to a nearby city, a beach vacation, or an international adventure, Spring Break is a chance to experience new cultures, meet new people, and create lasting memories.
  • Catch Up on Studies: For students who need to catch up on their studies, Spring Break can be a productive time to work on assignments, projects, or studying for upcoming exams. The UVM library and other campus resources remain open during the break, so students can find a quiet place to study or collaborate with classmates.
  • Relax and Recharge: For some students, Spring Break is simply a time to relax and recharge. They may choose to stay on campus and enjoy the peace and quiet of an empty campus, or they may go home and spend time with family and friends.
  • Community Service: Some students use Spring Break as an opportunity to give back to their community. They may volunteer at local soup kitchens, homeless shelters, or environmental organizations. Spring Break can be a meaningful way to make a difference in the world and learn about important social issues.

Whether you choose to travel, relax, or catch up on your studies, make the most of Spring Break to recharge and prepare for the final stretch of the semester.

Study Days: April 25-27

As the spring semester winds down, UVM students have a chance to catch their breath and prepare for final exams during Study Days, which take place from April 25th to 27th in 2024. These three days are set aside for students to focus on studying, completing assignments, and reviewing course material.

  • Dedicated Study Time: Study Days provide students with dedicated time to focus on their studies without the distraction of classes or other commitments. This can be especially helpful for students who have a lot of material to cover or who need extra time to prepare for exams.
  • Review and Reflection: Study Days are also a good time for students to review their notes, textbooks, and other course materials. They can use this time to identify areas where they need more review or to clarify confusing concepts. Additionally, students can use Study Days to reflect on their progress in the course and make adjustments to their study plans if necessary.
  • Collaboration and Support: Study Days can also be a time for students to collaborate with classmates and study groups. They can work together to review material, quiz each other, and help each other understand difficult concepts. Additionally, students can seek support from professors, teaching assistants, or academic advisors during Study Days if they have questions or concerns.
  • Preparation for Final Exams: Ultimately, the goal of Study Days is to help students prepare for their final exams. By using this time wisely, students can increase their chances of success and finish the semester strong.

Make the most of Study Days by creating a study schedule, finding a quiet place to study, and seeking help from professors or classmates when needed. With focused effort and dedication, you can use Study Days to prepare effectively for your final exams and end the semester on a positive note.

Commencement: May 19

Commencement is the culmination of years of hard work and dedication, and it is a day of great celebration for UVM students, their families, and the entire university community. In 2024, Commencement will be held on May 19th, and it promises to be a memorable occasion.

  • Celebration of Achievement: Commencement is a time to celebrate the academic achievements of UVM graduates. It is a day to recognize their hard work, perseverance, and accomplishments. Graduates will be awarded their degrees and have the opportunity to reflect on their time at UVM and the impact it has had on their lives.
  • Inspiration and Motivation: Commencement is also a time for inspiration and motivation. Graduates will hear from distinguished speakers, including university leaders, faculty members, and successful alumni. These speakers will share their insights and advice, and they will challenge graduates to make a difference in the world.
  • Community and Connection: Commencement is a time for the UVM community to come together and celebrate the success of its graduates. It is a day for faculty, staff, students, and families to connect and share in the joy of this special occasion.
  • Looking Ahead: Commencement is also a time to look ahead to the future. Graduates will be embarking on new chapters in their lives, and Commencement is a chance to reflect on their goals and aspirations. It is a day to celebrate the possibilities that lie ahead and to commit to making a positive impact on the world.

Commencement is a day of great significance for UVM graduates, their families, and the entire university community. It is a time to celebrate achievement, find inspiration, and look ahead to the future with hope and optimism.


Have questions about the UVM Academic Calendar 2024?

We’ve compiled a list of frequently asked questions to help you plan your semester and make the most of your time at UVM.

Question 1: When does the fall semester start in 2024?

Answer: The fall semester begins on August 26th, 2024.

Question 2: What is the Add/Drop Period in 2024?

Answer: The Add/Drop Period runs from August 26th to September 8th, 2024, allowing students to adjust their course schedules as needed.

Question 3: When is Fall Break in 2024?

Answer: Fall Break takes place from October 9th to 13th, 2024, providing students with a five-day respite from classes.

Question 4: When is Thanksgiving Break in 2024?

Answer: Thanksgiving Break runs from November 22nd to 26th, 2024, giving students an extended weekend to travel, relax, and celebrate with loved ones.

Question 5: What are the dates for Winter Break in 2024?

Answer: Winter Break begins on December 22nd, 2024, and ends on January 15th, 2025, providing students with a three-week break from classes.

Question 6: When does the spring semester start in 2025?

Answer: The spring semester commences on January 18th, 2025.

Question 7: When is Spring Break in 2025?

Answer: Spring Break falls from March 10th to 16th, 2025, giving students a week-long break to recharge and prepare for the final stretch of the semester.


We hope this FAQ section has answered your questions about the UVM Academic Calendar 2024. If you have any further inquiries, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the UVM Registrar’s Office for assistance.

In addition to the FAQ section, here are some additional tips for making the most of your academic year at UVM:

  • Create a study schedule and stick to it.
  • Attend class regularly and participate in discussions.
  • Meet with your professors and TAs during office hours.
  • Take advantage of UVM’s many academic resources, such as the library, writing center, and math lab.
  • Get involved in extracurricular activities to enhance your UVM experience.


Make the most of your academic year at UVM in 2024 with these practical tips:

Tip 1: Plan Ahead:

Familiarize yourself with the UVM Academic Calendar 2024 and important dates such as the start of semesters, breaks, and deadlines. Create a study schedule that works for you and plan your coursework accordingly.

Tip 2: Stay Organized:

Keep track of your assignments, exams, and important deadlines using a planner or digital calendar. Utilize UVM’s online resources like Canvas to stay organized and up-to-date with your coursework.

Tip 3: Seek Support:

Don’t hesitate to reach out to your professors, teaching assistants, or academic advisors if you need help with your studies. UVM offers a variety of support services, including tutoring, writing assistance, and counseling, to help you succeed.

Tip 4: Get Involved:

Take advantage of the many extracurricular activities and student organizations available at UVM. Getting involved in campus life is a great way to meet new people, learn new skills, and make your UVM experience more fulfilling.


By following these tips, you can make the most of your academic year at UVM in 2024, achieve your academic goals, and create lasting memories.

As you embark on your academic journey at UVM in 2024, remember to stay focused, organized, and proactive. With dedication and perseverance, you can make the most of your time at UVM and achieve great things.


As we approach 2024, the UVM Academic Calendar provides a roadmap for students to navigate the upcoming academic year successfully. With key dates, breaks, and events clearly outlined, students can plan their semesters strategically and make the most of their time at UVM.

The calendar highlights important milestones such as the start of semesters, add/drop periods, holidays, and exams. It also includes information about academic resources, student support services, and opportunities for extracurricular involvement.

By familiarizing themselves with the UVM Academic Calendar 2024, students can stay organized, manage their coursework effectively, and create a balanced academic and personal life.

Remember, the academic calendar is not just a list of dates; it’s a tool to help you succeed. Use it to plan ahead, set goals, and make the most of your time at UVM. With dedication, perseverance, and a positive attitude, you can achieve your academic aspirations and make 2024 a year of growth, learning, and personal fulfillment.

Closing Message:

As you embark on this academic journey, know that the UVM community is here to support you every step of the way. Embrace the opportunities that come your way, challenge yourself academically, and make lasting memories that will shape your future.

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