St Paul Winter Carnival 2024: An Icy Extravaganza!

Brrrrr! Get ready to bundle up and embrace the frosty fun at the St Paul Winter Carnival 2024! This beloved annual festival is a true celebration of winter, offering a smorgasbord of activities, events, and attractions that will leave you feeling invigorated, entertained, and thoroughly chilled to the bone (in a good way, of course).

The St Paul Winter Carnival is a long-standing tradition that dates back to 1886, making it one of the oldest and most cherished winter festivals in North America. Over the years, it has grown into a colossal event that attracts visitors from far and wide. Locals and tourists alike flock to St Paul to experience the magic of winter in all its glory.

With its dazzling ice sculptures, exhilarating winter sports, live music, food galore, and a whole lot of merriment, the St Paul Winter Carnival 2024 promises to be an unforgettable experience. So, mark your calendars, dig out your warmest gear, and prepare for a winter wonderland adventure like no other!

St Paul Winter Carnival 2024

Embrace the magic of winter at the St Paul Winter Carnival 2024, a beloved annual festival filled with frosty fun and exhilarating activities.

  • Ice Sculptures Galore: Marvel at intricate and awe-inspiring ice sculptures that transform the city into a glistening winter wonderland.
  • Thrilling Winter Sports: From ice skating and snowshoeing to cross-country skiing and sledding, there’s something for every winter sports enthusiast.
  • Live Music and Entertainment: Immerse yourself in the lively atmosphere with live music performances, stage shows, and interactive entertainment.
  • Lip-Smacking Food Delights: Indulge in a culinary journey with a wide array of food vendors serving up delicious treats and warm beverages.
  • Family-Friendly Activities: Keep the little ones entertained with a variety of activities like ice slides, snow forts, and fun games.
  • Grand Parade Spectacle: Witness the grand parade, a colorful procession of floats, marching bands, and performers that will leave you in awe.
  • Ice Fishing Extravaganza: Try your luck at ice fishing and experience the thrill of catching fish through a hole in the ice.
  • Snowshoeing Adventures: Explore the snowy landscapes of St Paul on a snowshoeing expedition, taking in the beauty of the winter wilderness.
  • Cross-Country Skiing Trails: Glide through the serene winter trails on cross-country skis, surrounded by picturesque scenery.
  • Sledding and Tubing Fun: Race down snowy hills on sleds or tubes, embracing the exhilarating rush of winter.

Immerse yourself in the winter magic of the St Paul Winter Carnival 2024 and create memories that will last a lifetime.

Ice Sculptures Galore: Marvel at intricate and awe-inspiring ice sculptures that transform the city into a glistening winter wonderland.

At the St Paul Winter Carnival 2024, ice sculptures take center stage, turning the city into a breathtaking winter wonderland. These magnificent works of art, meticulously crafted by skilled ice carvers, are a true testament to human creativity and artistry.

As you stroll through the streets of St Paul, you’ll be greeted by a symphony of ice sculptures, each one more intricate and awe-inspiring than the last. From towering castles and whimsical creatures to life-like replicas of famous landmarks, the variety of ice sculptures is simply astounding.

The ice carvers use a variety of techniques to create their masterpieces. Some use chisels and saws to carve intricate details into blocks of ice, while others use blowtorches to sculpt delicate shapes. The result is a mesmerizing display of ice art that will leave you spellbound.

One of the highlights of the St Paul Winter Carnival is the Ice Carving Competition, where ice carvers from around the world compete to create the most stunning ice sculptures. The competition is fierce, and the sculptures are judged on their creativity, technical skill, and overall impact.

Whether you’re an art enthusiast, a lover of winter, or simply someone who appreciates beauty, the ice sculptures at the St Paul Winter Carnival 2024 are a must-see. So bundle up, grab a warm drink, and prepare to be amazed by the magic of ice.

Tip: To fully appreciate the beauty of the ice sculptures, visit them both during the day and at night. The sculptures take on a different charm under the twinkling lights of the city.

Thrilling Winter Sports: From ice skating and snowshoeing to cross-country skiing and sledding, there’s something for every winter sports enthusiasts.

The St Paul Winter Carnival 2024 is a winter sports lover’s paradise, offering a wide range of activities and events that will keep you active and entertained throughout the festival.

Ice Skating: Glide across the smooth ice at one of the many ice skating venues during the carnival. You can bring your own ice skating equipment or rent it on-site. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned skater, you’ll find plenty of space to practice your moves and enjoy the winter breeze.

Snowshoeing: Embark on a snowshoeing adventure and explore the snowy landscapes surrounding St Paul. Snowshoeing is a great way to get some exercise, enjoy the outdoors, and take in the beauty of the winter scenery. You can rent snowshoes at various locations throughout the carnival.

Cross-Country Skiing: Hit the snowy trails and experience the exhilaration of cross-country skiing. With miles of groomed trails to choose from, there’s something for every cross-country skier, from beginners to experienced skiers. You can rent cross-country skiing equipment at several locations near the carnival grounds.

Sledding and Tubing: Race down snowy hills on a sled or tube and feel the rush of winter fun. Sledding and tubing are perfect activities for families with kids, and they’re a great way to embrace the joy of winter. You can bring your own sled or tube, or you can rent them at the carnival.

Other Winter Sports: The St Paul Winter Carnival also offers a variety of other winter sports and activities, including hockey, broomball, snow volleyball, and more. There’s truly something for everyone at this winter sports extravaganza.

Tip: Dress in layers and wear appropriate winter gear to stay warm and comfortable while enjoying the winter sports at the carnival.

Live Music and Entertainment: Immerse yourself in the lively atmosphere with live music performances, stage shows, and interactive entertainment.

The St Paul Winter Carnival 2024 is not just about ice sculptures and winter sports; it’s also a celebration of music, arts, and entertainment. Throughout the festival, you’ll find a wide variety of live music performances, stage shows, and interactive entertainment to keep you entertained and engaged.

Live Music: The carnival features a diverse lineup of live music performances, ranging from local bands and musicians to renowned national and international artists. You’ll find something for every musical taste, from rock and pop to jazz, blues, and folk. The music fills the air, creating a lively and festive atmosphere.

Stage Shows: The carnival also hosts a variety of stage shows, including comedy acts, magic shows, acrobatics, and more. These shows are a great way to warm up on a cold winter day and enjoy some laughs and entertainment with friends and family.

Interactive Entertainment: In addition to live music and stage shows, the carnival offers a variety of interactive entertainment options for all ages. You can participate in games, contests, and activities, or simply enjoy the lively atmosphere and soak up the carnival spirit.

Cultural Performances: The St Paul Winter Carnival also celebrates the diverse cultures of the region. You’ll find cultural performances, exhibits, and demonstrations that showcase the rich heritage and traditions of the Twin Cities and beyond.

Tip: Check the carnival schedule in advance to plan your visit and see which live music performances, stage shows, and interactive entertainment options you’d like to experience.

Lip-Smacking Food Delights: Indulge in a culinary journey with a wide array of food vendors serving up delicious treats and warm beverages.

No winter carnival is complete without a tantalizing array of food and beverages to warm your belly and satisfy your taste buds. The St Paul Winter Carnival 2024 offers a culinary journey like no other, with a wide variety of food vendors serving up everything from classic carnival treats to hearty winter fare and specialty dishes.

  • Classic Carnival Treats: Indulge in all your favorite carnival classics, such as cotton candy, funnel cakes, popcorn, and roasted nuts. These sweet and savory treats are sure to bring a smile to your face and transport you back to your childhood.
  • Warm and Hearty Winter Fare: When the winter chill sets in, there’s nothing better than a warm and hearty meal to warm you up. Vendors at the carnival will be serving up delicious soups, stews, chili, and other winter comfort foods that are perfect for a cold day.
  • Specialty Dishes from Around the World: The St Paul Winter Carnival celebrates the diverse cultures of the Twin Cities and beyond. You’ll find food vendors serving up a variety of specialty dishes from around the world, including tacos, gyros, pierogies, and more. It’s a great opportunity to sample different cuisines and flavors.
  • Sweet and Savory Baked Goods: Satisfy your sweet tooth with a variety of freshly baked goods, including cookies, cakes, pies, and muffins. You’ll also find savory baked goods, such as breads, rolls, and pretzels, that are perfect for a quick snack or a light meal.

And of course, no winter carnival is complete without a selection of warm beverages to keep you cozy and warm. You’ll find vendors serving up hot chocolate, coffee, tea, and other warm drinks that are perfect for sipping on while you stroll through the carnival grounds.

Family-Friendly Activities: Keep the little ones entertained with a variety of activities like ice slides, snow forts, and fun games.

The St Paul Winter Carnival 2024 is a winter wonderland for kids of all ages. There are plenty of family-friendly activities and attractions to keep the little ones entertained and engaged throughout the festival.

Ice Slides: Squeals of delight can be heard all around the ice slides at the carnival. Kids love racing down the icy slopes on sleds or tubes, feeling the wind in their hair and the thrill of the ride.

Snow Forts: Let the kids channel their inner architects and builders by constructing their own snow forts. They can work together to create intricate structures and then defend them in snowball fights with their friends and family.

Fun Games and Activities: The carnival also offers a variety of fun games and activities specifically designed for kids. There are snow painting stations, bean bag toss games, face painting booths, and more. There’s something for every child to enjoy.

Character Meet-and-Greets: Kids can meet their favorite winter carnival characters and pose for photos. These characters are sure to bring smiles to the faces of the little ones and create lasting memories.

Tip: Dress the kids in warm and waterproof clothing so they can fully enjoy the outdoor activities without getting too cold or wet.

Grand Parade Spectacle: Witness the grand parade, a colorful procession of floats, marching bands, and performers that will leave you in awe.

The St Paul Winter Carnival 2024 culminates in a grand parade that is a true spectacle to behold. This parade is a vibrant and lively procession of floats, marching bands, performers, and more, all coming together to celebrate the magic of winter.

Elaborate Floats: The parade features a variety of elaborate floats, each one adorned with colorful decorations, twinkling lights, and larger-than-life characters. These floats are a feast for the eyes and capture the imagination of spectators of all ages.

Marching Bands and Performers: The parade also includes a variety of marching bands, dance troupes, and other performers who add to the lively atmosphere. The music fills the air, and the performers’ energy is infectious, creating a sense of excitement and celebration.

Special Appearances: The grand parade often features special appearances by local dignitaries, celebrities, and even royalty. These special guests add to the prestige and grandeur of the parade and make it a truly memorable event.

Community Spirit: The grand parade is a showcase of community spirit and pride. Local businesses, organizations, and individuals come together to create a parade that represents the best of St Paul and the surrounding area.

Tip: Arrive early to secure a good spot along the parade route and get the best view of all the floats, marching bands, and performers.

Ice Fishing Extravaganza: Try your luck at ice fishing and experience the thrill of catching fish through a hole in the ice.

For those who love fishing, the St Paul Winter Carnival offers a unique opportunity to try ice fishing. This exhilarating activity allows you to experience the thrill of catching fish through a hole in the ice, surrounded by the beauty of the winter landscape.

Ice Fishing Basics: Ice fishing is a relatively simple activity, but there are a few things you need to know before you get started. First, you’ll need to find a safe and accessible spot on a frozen lake or river. Once you’ve found a good spot, you’ll need to drill a hole in the ice using an ice auger.

Bait and Tackle: Next, you’ll need to choose the right bait and tackle for ice fishing. Common baits include minnows, worms, and artificial lures. You’ll also need a fishing rod and reel that are specifically designed for ice fishing.

Patience and Persistence: Ice fishing requires patience and persistence. It may take some time before you catch a fish, but the thrill of the catch is well worth the wait. Once you’ve caught a fish, you can either release it back into the water or keep it for dinner.

Safety First: Ice fishing can be a dangerous activity, so it’s important to take safety precautions. Make sure the ice is thick enough to support your weight, and always fish with a buddy. Dress in warm and waterproof clothing, and bring a safety kit with you in case of emergencies.

Tip: If you’re new to ice fishing, consider hiring a guide or taking a lesson from a local expert. They can teach you the basics of ice fishing and help you find the best spots to catch fish.

Snowshoeing Adventures: Explore the snowy landscapes of St Paul on a snowshoeing expedition, taking in the beauty of the winter wilderness.

Snowshoeing is a great way to explore the winter wonderland of St Paul during the Winter Carnival. This activity allows you to venture off the beaten path and discover the hidden beauty of the snowy landscapes.

Snowshoeing Basics: Snowshoeing is a relatively easy activity to learn. You’ll start by putting on a pair of snowshoes, which are specially designed to distribute your weight evenly and prevent you from sinking into the snow. Once you have your snowshoes on, you can simply walk or hike through the snow.

Scenic Snowshoeing Trails: St Paul offers a variety of scenic snowshoeing trails that cater to all levels of experience. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced snowshoer, you’ll find a trail that’s perfect for you. Some popular snowshoeing trails in St Paul include the Mississippi River Trail, the Como Park Trail, and the Battle Creek Regional Park Trail.

Guided Snowshoeing Tours: If you’re new to snowshoeing or simply want to learn more about the local area, you can join a guided snowshoeing tour. These tours are led by experienced guides who can teach you about the history, ecology, and wildlife of the area.

Snowshoeing Safety: Snowshoeing is a safe activity, but there are a few things you need to keep in mind. Dress in warm and waterproof clothing, and bring a map and compass in case you get lost. It’s also a good idea to snowshoe with a buddy.

Tip: Snowshoeing is a great way to get some exercise and enjoy the beauty of the winter landscape. It’s also a relatively inexpensive activity, making it a great option for families and budget-minded travelers.

Cross-Country Skiing Trails: Glide through the serene winter trails on cross-country skis, surrounded by picturesque scenery.

Cross-country skiing is a popular winter activity that allows you to explore the snowy landscapes of St Paul while getting some exercise. The city offers a variety of cross-country skiing trails that cater to all levels of experience.

  • Scenic Cross-Country Skiing Trails: St Paul boasts a variety of scenic cross-country skiing trails that offer breathtaking views of the ะทะธะผะฝะธะน landscape. Some popular trails include the Como Park Trail, the Mississippi River Trail, and the Battle Creek Regional Park Trail.
  • Groomed and Ungroomed Trails: Cross-country skiers can choose between groomed and ungroomed trails. Groomed trails are machine-packed and easier to ski on, while ungroomed trails are left in their natural state and offer a more challenging experience.
  • Ski Rentals and Lessons: If you don’t have your own cross-country skiing equipment, you can rent it from one of the many ski shops in St Paul. You can also take cross-country skiing lessons from experienced instructors.
  • Cross-Country Skiing Safety: Cross-country skiing is a safe activity, but there are a few things you need to keep in mind. Dress in warm and waterproof clothing, and bring a map and compass in case you get lost. It’s also a good idea to ski with a buddy.

Tip: Cross-country skiing is a great way to get some exercise and enjoy the beauty of the winter landscape. It’s also a relatively inexpensive activity, making it a great option for families and budget-minded travelers.

Sledding and Tubing Fun: Race down snowy hills on sleds or tubes, embracing the exhilarating rush of winter.

Sledding and tubing are classic winter activities that are enjoyed by people of all ages. The St Paul Winter Carnival offers plenty of opportunities to experience the thrill of racing down snowy hills on a sled or tube.

Sledding and Tubing Hills: Several parks and recreation areas in St Paul have designated sledding and tubing hills. These hills are typically well-maintained and offer a safe and fun environment for winter sports enthusiasts.

Sled and Tube Rentals: If you don’t have your own sled or tube, you can rent one from one of the many ski shops or sporting goods stores in St Paul. You can also find sleds and tubes for sale at these stores.

Sledding and Tubing Safety: Sledding and tubing can be dangerous if proper safety precautions are not taken. Make sure to wear a helmet and other protective gear. Choose a hill that is appropriate for your skill level and avoid hills with obstacles such as trees and rocks. Always sled or tube with a buddy.

Sledding and Tubing Etiquette: Be respectful of other sledders and tubers. Wait your turn and don’t cut in line. Be aware of your surroundings and yield to faster sledders and tubers.

Tip: Sledding and tubing are great activities for families and groups of friends. It’s a fun way to get some exercise and enjoy the winter weather.


Have questions about the St Paul Winter Carnival 2024? Here are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions:

Question 1: When and where is the St Paul Winter Carnival 2024?
Answer: The St Paul Winter Carnival 2024 will be held from January 24th to February 4th in St Paul, Minnesota.

Question 2: What are the highlights of the St Paul Winter Carnival 2024?
Answer: The carnival features a variety of activities and attractions, including ice sculptures, winter sports, live music, food vendors, and a grand parade.

Question 3: How much does it cost to attend the St Paul Winter Carnival 2024?
Answer: Admission to the carnival is free. However, some activities and attractions may have a small fee.

Question 4: What are the best ways to get to the St Paul Winter Carnival 2024?
Answer: You can get to the carnival by car, public transportation, or on foot. There are several parking lots near the carnival grounds, and there are also several bus routes that stop nearby.

Question 5: What should I wear to the St Paul Winter Carnival 2024?
Answer: Dress in warm and waterproof clothing, as the weather in St Paul can be cold and snowy during the winter months.

Question 6: What are some tips for making the most of my visit to the St Paul Winter Carnival 2024?
Answer: Arrive early to avoid crowds, wear comfortable shoes, bring a camera to capture the memories, and be prepared for cold weather.

Question 7: Is the St Paul Winter Carnival 2024 accessible to people with disabilities?
Answer: Yes, the carnival is accessible to people with disabilities. There are accessible restrooms, ramps, and designated parking spaces available.

We hope this FAQ has answered your questions about the St Paul Winter Carnival 2024. If you have any further questions, please visit the carnival’s official website or contact the carnival organizers.

In addition to the FAQ, here are some tips for making the most of your visit to the St Paul Winter Carnival 2024:


Make the most of your visit to the St Paul Winter Carnival 2024 with these practical tips:

Tip 1: Plan Your Visit: Before you go, check the carnival’s official website or social media pages for a detailed schedule of events and activities. This will help you plan your visit and make sure you don’t miss anything you’re interested in.

Tip 2: Dress in Layers: The weather in St Paul during the winter can be unpredictable, so it’s best to dress in layers. This way, you can adjust your clothing as needed to stay warm and comfortable.

Tip 3: Bring Cash and Cards: While many vendors at the carnival accept credit cards, it’s a good idea to bring some cash as well. Some vendors may only accept cash, and it’s also handy to have for tips and small purchases.

Tip 4: Stay Hydrated: It’s easy to get dehydrated in the cold weather, so make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day. There are water stations located throughout the carnival grounds, so you can easily refill your water bottle.

Tip 5: Take Breaks: The carnival can be overwhelming, especially if you’re there for a long period of time. Take breaks throughout the day to rest and refuel. There are plenty of places to sit down and relax, or you can simply step away from the crowds for a few minutes.

By following these tips, you can ensure that you have a fun and memorable experience at the St Paul Winter Carnival 2024.

So mark your calendars, bundle up, and get ready for a winter wonderland adventure like no other at the St Paul Winter Carnival 2024!


The St Paul Winter Carnival 2024 promises to be a truly unforgettable experience. With its dazzling ice sculptures, exhilarating winter sports, live music, delicious food, and family-friendly activities, the carnival has something for everyone.

Whether you’re a local resident or a visitor from out of town, the St Paul Winter Carnival is a great way to embrace the magic of winter and make memories that will last a lifetime.

So bundle up, grab your friends and family, and head to St Paul for the 2024 Winter Carnival. You won’t be disappointed!

We hope to see you there!

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