2024 World Cup Odds: Who Are the Favorites?

The 2024 World Cup is just around the corner, and excitement is building. Who will be crowned the champion? Will it be a traditional powerhouse like Brazil or Germany, or will a new team emerge to take the title? In this informative article, we’ll take a look at the odds for each team and discuss the factors that could affect their chances of winning. So, grab your popcorn, sit back, and let’s dive into the world of 2024 World Cup predictions!

The World Cup is the most prestigious international soccer tournament, held once every four years. The 2024 edition will be hosted by the United States, Canada, and Mexico, making it the first World Cup to be held in three countries. With 32 teams competing for the coveted trophy, the tournament promises to be filled with thrilling matches and unexpected twists. But before the action kicks off, let’s explore the teams that are considered the favorites to win it all.

Now that we’ve set the stage, it’s time to delve into the nuts and bolts of the 2024 World Cup odds. We’ll examine the contenders, their strengths, weaknesses, and the factors that could influence their performances. So, hold on tight as we embark on a journey through the world of soccer predictions!

2024 World Cup Odds

Excitement brewing for soccer’s grand stage.

  • Host nations: USA, Canada, Mexico
  • 32 teams vying for glory
  • Favorites: Brazil, Argentina, France
  • Underdogs to watch: Senegal, Japan, Serbia
  • Factors influencing odds: form, injuries, tactics
  • Group stage surprises always possible
  • Knockout stage drama and upsets
  • One month of non-stop soccer spectacle

The 2024 World Cup promises to be an unforgettable event, filled with passion, drama, and unexpected twists. So, mark your calendars, gather your friends and family, and get ready to witness the greatest show on earth!

Host nations: USA, Canada, Mexico

The 2024 World Cup will be a historic event, as it will be the first time that three countries jointly host the tournament. The United States, Canada, and Mexico bring a unique blend of cultures, passion for soccer, and world-class infrastructure to the table.

  • Shared hosting:

    The shared hosting format presents logistical challenges, but it also offers a chance for fans from all three countries to come together and celebrate the beautiful game.

  • Home advantage:

    The United States, Canada, and Mexico will all benefit from playing in front of their home crowds, which could give them an edge in the early stages of the tournament.

  • Favorable conditions:

    The host nations enjoy favorable weather conditions and modern stadiums, which should create a positive playing environment for the teams.

  • Increased interest:

    Hosting the World Cup is expected to boost interest in soccer in all three countries, potentially leading to increased participation and development of the sport.

The unique circumstances of the 2024 World Cup could potentially impact the odds of the host nations. With the home crowd behind them and a supportive atmosphere, the United States, Canada, and Mexico may have a slight advantage over other teams in the tournament.

32 teams vying for glory

The 2024 World Cup will feature 32 teams from all corners of the globe, each with dreams of lifting the coveted trophy. These teams have battled through qualifying rounds, showcasing their skills and determination to reach the grandest stage of international soccer.

  • Global representation:

    The World Cup brings together teams from different continents, cultures, and playing styles, creating a truly global spectacle.

  • Underdogs and surprises:

    The tournament often throws up unexpected results, with underdogs causing upsets and challenging the established powers.

  • Group stage drama:

    The group stage is where the initial battles take place, with teams vying for a spot in the knockout rounds. Every match is crucial, and the drama is palpable.

  • Knockout stage intensity:

    The knockout stage is where the pressure cooker really heats up. One mistake can mean the end of a team’s World Cup journey.

With 32 teams competing for glory, the 2024 World Cup promises to be a tournament filled with excitement, drama, and unforgettable moments. From the group stage to the final, every match will be a battle for supremacy, as the teams strive to etch their names into soccer history.

Favorites: Brazil, Argentina, France

When it comes to the favorites for the 2024 World Cup, three teams stand out: Brazil, Argentina, and France. These powerhouses boast a combination of world-class talent, tactical prowess, and championship pedigree.

  • Brazil:

    The Samba Boys are synonymous with flair, skill, and attacking brilliance. With players like Neymar, Vinicius Jr., and Richarlison, Brazil is always a threat to score goals.

  • Argentina:

    Led by the enigmatic Lionel Messi, Argentina is a team on a mission. They recently won the Copa America and will be looking to add the World Cup to their trophy cabinet.

  • France:

    The reigning world champions have a squad packed with quality and experience. Kylian Mbappé, Karim Benzema, and Antoine Griezmann form a formidable attacking trio.

  • Why these teams are favorites:

    These teams have a proven track record of success in major tournaments, possess world-class players in key positions, and have managers who know how to get the best out of their squads.

While other teams may harbor ambitions of lifting the trophy, Brazil, Argentina, and France are the ones to beat. They will be the center of attention and will face immense pressure to deliver. Can they handle the weight of expectations and emerge victorious? Only time will tell.

Underdogs to watch: Senegal, Japan, Serbia

While the spotlight will be on the traditional powerhouses, there are a few underdog teams that could make some noise in the 2024 World Cup.

  • Senegal:

    The Lions of Teranga are the reigning African champions and have a talented squad led by Sadio Mané. They have a good mix of experience and youth and will be looking to make a deep run in the tournament.

  • Japan:

    The Blue Samurai have consistently impressed on the international stage and will be hoping to build on their success at the 2022 World Cup. They play an exciting brand of soccer and have several dangerous attackers.

  • Serbia:

    The Eagles are a physical and well-organized team with a number of talented players, including Dušan Vlahović and Sergej Milinković-Savić. They have a chance to surprise some people if they can maintain their form.

  • Why these teams are underdogs:

    These teams may not have the same level of star power or experience as the favorites, but they have shown that they can compete with the best. They will need to be at their best and have a bit of luck on their side to make a deep run in the tournament.

These are just a few of the underdog teams that could make a splash in the 2024 World Cup. With the right combination of talent, tactics, and a bit of luck, they could challenge the established order and make this tournament one to remember.

Factors influencing odds: form, injuries, tactics

The odds for each team in the 2024 World Cup are influenced by a variety of factors, including their current form, injury concerns, and tactical approach.

Form: Teams that are in good form leading up to the tournament are more likely to be favored by the oddsmakers. This is because they have demonstrated consistency and momentum, which are valuable assets in a short and intense tournament like the World Cup.

Injuries: The absence of key players due to injury can have a significant impact on a team’s chances of success. Teams that have a deep and talented squad are better equipped to cope with injuries, while teams that rely heavily on a few star players may struggle if those players are unavailable.

Tactics: The tactical approach of a team can also influence its odds of winning. Teams that play a possession-based style of soccer and create a lot of chances are generally considered to be more likely to win than teams that play a more defensive orカウンターアタックスタイル。However, the effectiveness of a particular tactic can depend on the opposition and the conditions on the day.

In addition to these factors, the odds can also be influenced by historical performance, recent results against similar opponents, and the overall strength of the team’s group. Ultimately, the odds are just a prediction of the most likely outcome, and anything can happen in the World Cup.

Group stage surprises always possible

The group stage of the World Cup is where the unexpected often occurs. While the favorites usually advance, there is always the chance for a dark horse to emerge and shake things up.

  • Underdogs can shine:

    Teams from smaller countries or those that are not considered to be among the elite can sometimes perform beyond expectations and qualify for the knocktout stages. This is especially true when they are placed in a favorable group.

  • Favorable matchups:

    The group draw can sometimes create favorable matchups for certain teams. This means that a team that is not necessarily the strongest on paper can still advance if they are paired with weaker opponents.

  • Injuries and suspensions:

    In the group stage, teams must play three matches in a relatively short period of time. This can lead to fatigue and injuries, which can impact a team’s performance. Additionally, players who accumulate too many yellow cards can be suspended for the next match, which can disrupt a team’s plans.

  • Tactical battles:

    The group stage is where managers try to outsmart each other with their tactics. Sometimes, a team with a well-defined game plan can exploit the weaknesses of a more talented opponent and secure a positive result.

These are just some of the factors that can contribute to surprises in the group stage of the World Cup. With 32 teams competing for 16 spots in the knocktout rounds, there is always the potential for drama and unexpected results.

Knockout stage drama and upsets

The knockout stage of the World Cup is where the drama and intensity reach fever pitch. With each match being a do-or-die affair, the pressure on the players and managers is immense.

Upsets galore: The knockout stage is where upsets are most likely to occur. This is because the margin for error is so small. One bad game or one moment of brilliance can be the difference between advancing and going home.

Tactical battles: The knockout stage is also where tactical battles come to the forefront. Managers must make difficult decisions about their team selection, formation, and tactics. Getting these decisions right can be the key to victory, while getting them wrong can be costly.

Penalty shootouts: And then there are penalty shootouts. The ultimate test of nerve and skill, penalty shootouts have decided some of the most iconic matches in World Cup history. The tension and drama of watching players step up to take a spot-kick is almost unbearable.

The knockout stage of the World Cup is where legends are made and dreams come true. It is a stage where anything is possible, and where the odds can be turned upside down in an instant. This is what makes the World Cup the most captivating sporting event on the planet.

One month of non-stop soccer spectacle

The World Cup is a month-long soccer extravaganza that brings the world together in a celebration of the beautiful game. For 32 days, fans from all corners of the globe are glued to their screens, cheering on their teams and enjoying the spectacle of the world’s biggest sporting event.

A global event: The World Cup transcends borders and cultures, uniting people from all walks of life in their shared love of soccer. It is a time when rivalries are set aside and people come together to appreciate the skill, passion, and drama of the sport.

A feast of soccer: The World Cup offers a smorgasbord of soccer, with matches played almost every day. Fans can indulge in a variety of styles and tactics, from the free-flowing attacking play of some teams to the more pragmatic and防守的なアプローチof others.

Unforgettable moments: The World Cup is a stage for unforgettable moments that live long in the memory. From stunning goals and incredible saves to dramatic upsets and emotional celebrations, the tournament produces countless iconic moments that are cherished by fans for years to come.

The World Cup is more than just a soccer tournament; it is a cultural phenomenon that captures the imagination of billions of people around the world. It is a time for celebration, unity, and shared passion. And it all happens in the space of one unforgettable month.


Have questions about the upcoming 2024 World Cup? We’ve got answers. Check out our FAQ section for all the essential information you need to know about the tournament.

Question 1: When and where is the 2024 World Cup being held?

Answer 1: The 2024 World Cup will take place from June 14 to July 15, 2024, and will be jointly hosted by the United States, Canada, and Mexico.

Question 2: Which teams have qualified for the 2024 World Cup?

Answer 2: The qualifying process for the 2024 World Cup is still ongoing. The 32 teams that will participate in the tournament will be determined by the end of 2023.

Question 3: Who are the favorites to win the 2024 World Cup?

Answer 3: Brazil, Argentina, and France are considered to be the favorites to win the 2024 World Cup. These teams have a strong track record of success in major tournaments and boast some of the best players in the world.

Question 4: Which players should I watch out for in the 2024 World Cup?

Answer 4: Some of the players to watch out for in the 2024 World Cup include Kylian Mbappé, Erling Haaland, Lionel Messi, Cristiano Ronaldo, and Neymar. These players are all capable of producing moments of magic and can single-handedly change the course of a match.

Question 5: What are some of the new features of the 2024 World Cup?

Answer 5: One of the new features of the 2024 World Cup is the expanded use of technology. This includes the use of video assistant referees (VAR) and goal-line technology. Additionally, FIFA is considering introducing a new offside rule that would use semi-automated technology to make offside calls.

Question 6: How can I get tickets for the 2024 World Cup?

Answer 6: Ticket sales for the 2024 World Cup have not yet begun. FIFA is expected to release information about ticket sales in the coming months.

We hope this FAQ section has answered some of your questions about the 2024 World Cup. Stay tuned for more updates and information as the tournament approaches.

Now that you have a better understanding of the basics, here are some additional tips to help you make the most of the 2024 World Cup:


Looking to make the most of the 2024 World Cup? Here are a few tips to help you enjoy the tournament to the fullest:

Plan your viewing schedule: With 64 matches played over the course of a month, it’s important to plan your viewing schedule in advance. Make a list of the matches you want to watch and set aside time to catch them. You can also use a TV guide or streaming service to create a personalized schedule.

Gather your friends and family: The World Cup is a great opportunity to bring people together. Invite your friends and family over to watch the matches and enjoy the excitement together. You can make it even more fun by having a potluck or serving themed snacks and drinks.

Follow the World Cup online: If you can’t watch the matches on TV, you can follow them online. There are many websites and apps that offer live streaming and highlights. You can also follow the World Cup on social media to stay up-to-date on the latest news and scores.
Bet responsibly: If you’re planning to bet on the World Cup, be sure to do it responsibly. Set a budget and stick to it. Don’t chase your losses and never bet more money than you can afford to lose.

We hope these tips help you have a great time during the 2024 World Cup. Remember to relax, enjoy the matches, and soak up the atmosphere. After all, the World Cup only comes around every four years!

So there you have it, our comprehensive guide to the 2024 World Cup odds. Whether you’re a seasoned soccer fan or just getting into the sport, we hope this article has given you all the information you need to follow the tournament and make informed predictions.


The 2024 World Cup promises to be an unforgettable event, filled with excitement, drama, and stunning soccer. With 32 teams vying for glory and some of the best players in the world on display, the tournament is sure to captivate audiences around the globe.

In this article, we’ve explored the odds for each team, discussed the factors that could influence their chances of success, and highlighted some of the potential surprises and upsets that could occur. We’ve also provided tips on how to make the most of the tournament and enjoy the matches to the fullest.

Whether you’re a seasoned soccer fan or just getting into the sport, the 2024 World Cup is an event that you won’t want to miss. So mark your calendars, gather your friends and family, and get ready to witness the greatest show on earth.

And remember, at the end of it all, it’s the passion, the drama, and the shared love of the beautiful game that truly make the World Cup the greatest sporting event in the world.

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